Friday, July 25, 2014

Week 2 - some success and some failure..


So I am really enjoying learning how to take better photos. My natural instinct of course is to try and work out how I can turn this into a paid job, but I am trying to keep a lid on it and actually just learn something for learning's sake (and the satisfaction of doing something creative in the process).

I also did my first pottery class this week. To be perfectly honest, I was bored. And cold. Mostly bored.
We spent most of the 3 hours learning about the properties of clay and how to prepare the clay to work with it. I am not a patient person. Just give me some clay and let me MAKE something.

We made pinch pots for the last hour. Mine were very sad. The gorgeous Asian girls in the class made stunning little pots I would pay good money for. Me thinks pottery is not for me.

So back to what I am loving - here are a couple of photos that have been part of my homework in learning what the different f-stops can do on the camera. (F-stops are the size of the aperture - the amount of light you let into the camera that changes the look of the image from one item in focus or to having all items in focus.)

Saturday, July 19, 2014

Week 1 - Finding our inner creative

Challenge accepted!

Week 1

A little doodle that sums up a happy week spent with the kids and my sister.  Great food, great company and great memories.

Friday, July 18, 2014

OK. I'll start.

These are photos I took at an engagement party last week - still counts for this week's challenge though as I had to upload it this week!

I'm not thrilled with how the photos turned out but it was the first time I've actually tried photographing an event so have learnt a lot - and the photography course I have since started will help too….

Week ended 18 July 2014:
Make - 0 things
Write - Does this blog post count?
Snap - Lots of photos of engagement party and first photography class.

Over to you...